Good Feeding good living

SESACO LIMITED is a business enterprise established and registered in 1987 as a food processing company.

Some of the cereals are processed into beverages while others are milled and blended together for nutritious foods. Being an established and registered food processing company, Food products work best for people of all walks of life in the world with a speciality of the infant population (aged between 6 month – 1 year), children (aged between 1 year – 15 years).

Women of reproductive age (aged between 15 years – 45 years), which are strictly advised to avoid coffee and tea, and are encouraged to take soya beverages for health reasons. Not only have these products been carefully formulated to taste outstandingly delicious but also have a high biological nutritional composition that has been discovered essential to one’s diet.

Therefore everybody has an amazing way to benefit from these delicious foods.

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